Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Capstone // Final Blog Post // Coming Up Roses

On the evening of April 13th, Kendall's Fashion Studies program presented the Senior's Capstone collections at the second annual Capstone Fashion Show event, held at the Grand Rapids Downtown Market. The night was beautiful, the venue was magical, and the energy was electrifying.

Being a senior, this event was the cherry on top of a triumphal senior year at Kendall College of Art & Design. Having my hard work displayed was both an honor and a privilege. Below I have attached photos taken throughout the event, that I feel encompass the vibes of the evening, with a focus on my collection, "Coming Up Roses." 

Show programs and decor placed around the Downtown Market. Photo by Matt Gubancsik.

My design board printed on cloth that hung in the Downtown Market. Photo by Matt Gubancsik.

My collection and I, taken by Ian Pokriefka Photography, before my models walked the runway. Models from left to right: Allyson, myself, Maddie May, and Shelby.

Allyson modeling one of my looks. Photo by Ian Pokriefka Photography.

Model Maddie May posing in one of my looks before walking the runway. Photo by Ian Pokriefka Photography.

Shelby, posing in one of my garments. Photo by Ian Pokriefka Photography.

Back detail. Modeled by Shelby. Photo by Ian Pokriefka Photography.

Back detail in action. Modeled by Shelby. Photo by Devin Weber.

Gown modeled by Allyson. Photo by Devin Weber.

Gown modeled by Allyson. Photo by Devin Weber.

Allyson posing. Photo by Matt Gubancsik.

Photo by Matt Gubancsik.

Photo by Matt Gubancsik.

Walking with my collection. Photo by Devin Weber.

Posing with my collection, "Coming Up Roses," after the show. Photo by Matt Gubancsik.

I hope you enjoyed this exclusive peak into the Fashion Studies Second Annual Capstone Fashion Show. The night was magical and went by in the blink of an eye. I couldn't be more thrilled with the presentation, turnout as well as the abundance of love and creativity in the air.

Thank you for following my journey throughout my Capstone class. If you would like to contact me, my email address is RoseStoneDesigns@gmail.com.

Best Wishes to All,

Rose Stone

Fashion Isn't Pretty

It’s April 13th, 2016 at 7:26pm- my nerves are high and my adrenaline is pumping. I am about to start the event that I, along side my dream team of fashion producers, have waited all semester for. I take a deep breath and pick up the microphone. I walk down the long atrium hallway and enter the Green House for the first speech. I look to my left and see Lori, smiling as always, I look back at the audience and just before I start to talk a thought rolls through my mind…”We did it, we really did it.”

I can say with confidence, that fashion isn’t pretty. Fashion is wrong makeup on models and Band-Aids on heels.  Fashion is raw and uncensored- it’s the perfect amount of control and lost control. Fashion is rolling with the punches and 100% of the time it’s making quick decisions and just MAKING IT WORK.

The ladies and gentlemen behind the scenes of a fashion show, like the one the KCAD Fashion Show Production class put on, work really, really hard to hide the madness. Being backstage at the Unearth Fashion Show was incredible. Hair and makeup were a mess of scheduled models and missing hairdressers, designers were late and even showing up with unfinished garments- but the show must go on.   

Fashion is hard work and dedication. Fashion is bleeding fingers and white body suits. Fashion is not for the weak of mind or body. Fashion isn’t pretty, and it isn’t for everybody- KCAD Fashion Studies; do you dare?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


And that's a wrap

     Last Wednesday, April 13th was the big reveal. The final show, the peak of our college careers. We were able to showcase our designs and it was an incredible experience like no other. I couldn't eat all night from how nervous and excited I was! All of the models were incredible and looked amazing in what I made. The public's reception of my collection was amazing, I got a lot of support, a few dirty looks and a lot of people in awe. I couldn't be more happy, proud, and excited that I made it this far without dropping out!


Cleanup Phase

Post Fashion Show, there are a lot of loose ends to tie up and a lot of things to be handed in/handled. I am completely exhausted after planning and participating in the Capstone Show- I never realized how much work this semester would entail and how many details went in to planning our Fashion Show.

We handled all aspects of the show from contacting venues, planning hair/makeup, food for models and volunteers, timing for all of the runway walks and décor.

Now it’s “cleanup” time. We will be having final critiques with mentors and Lori over the next week, and handing in all pattern, prototypes and final garments in order to wrap up this semester.

Two weeks until I walk across a stage and receive my diploma. Unreal.

Capstone // Blog Thirteen

Our Capstone show was a success! 

Below I have attached the links to the UnEarth Facebook page as well as a link to KCAD's SmugMug page, where you can find photos of the show. 
I will post a more detailed blog of how the show went later this week!

- Rose Stone

Tuesday, April 12, 2016



Batik: Cracking the wax.


Sewing : Permit back stitch 

Pleating: Making the pleat


Pleating: Pressing the pleat

 Pleating: Finished product

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Capstone // Week Twelve

Today we had our final critique on all three of our garments/ensembles! This week/weekend will consist of fittings with our models for the show, to ensure a perfect fit.

Below I have attached a sneak peak of my design boards that will be printed on cloth and hung at the Fashion Show. 

"It's all happening"

- Rose Stone

Eight Days

Final reveal for our third look was today.. it turned out to be more of an in-progress day and all the designers are in "game-mode" after all the feed back.

Questions that still remain: 

1. Where are my models?! Some have escaped to tropical places for spring break and I am feeling a little stressed by that.

2. Will I be 100% finished by Thursday for final meetings with my models? 

3. Where did the time go?

4. How is this all going to play out the day of the show?

Excited, overwhelmed and seeing the light at the end of this journey. 

Eight Days. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


About two weeks ago I made a big decision that changed my workflow drastically. Now I'm not saying what I'm doing now nor posting any pictures because I want it to be a surprise but it's something that I've always wanted to do and I'm taking the leap making it what my brand will sell. A lot of people said I was crazy for dong what I did but I've also had a lot of support from my peers. Maybe I AM crazy but it's ok because I can make crazy work and make it look good. It will show more love and passion because it's what I truly want to do and nothing will stop me from doing it.

Coming to an end.

Time flies, I wish it can be slower. It is almost the end and so close to the show. Feel nervous and exciting! But I still need work on some detail and finish my third ensemble.
                                  Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!

Flu season got me some type of way..

It's the last week of construction for capstone and I've been hit with the stomach flu. Awesome timing. However, the show must go on, so I will be working on flats and last minute accessory planning from bed today. 

Hoping for a quick and painless transition and then back to construction tomorrow and Thursday. 

The focus next week is to continue manually knitting head accessories that could potentially make it to the show. More thoughts and pictures on that as I find a design I see going with my collection. 

Capstone // Week Eleven

Our final week of construction is finally upon us. There is loads of work to get done still, so this next week will be busy busy busy!

Below I have attached my "Hair & Makeup" board that we needed to create for class.

I can not wait to see how everyone's final garments come along next week! This semester has gone by so unbelievably fast that it's hard to believe that it is all coming to an end.

Our show is April 13th at the Downtown Market! Be there!

- Rose Stone

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Love what you did!

Time flies, It was already week nine! Less than a month till the fashion show. I finished two ensembles and now it is time to work on the last one. I love what I am doing now, and keep working on what I love to do. 

                             Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!

Back to the beginning

Well it's back to where I started and redoing a lot of things, changing looks and trying not to cry about it. I decided to redo my collection and start new patterns, I decided to do what I really want to do which is lingerie. It will be a lot of late nights and a lot of work but it will be worth it. I am now happy with what I'm doing.


Capstone // Week Nine

This week we are focusing on pattern drafting for our third and final garments.

My third piece is my most complex gown, having more style lines and design details, so I really need to stay focused and on track with my schedule/planner so that I am able to execute this design within the next two weeks.

The pace is picking up, and things are all coming together! 

Stay tuned in for more details regarding our Capstone show.

- Rose Stone

To knit, or not to knit...

As the collection is coming together, I have finally developed enough in my knitting and programing to create a full knit-tube dress. The question now, and still remains, do I add these different knits to the collection to showcase what I've been working towards?

My hesitation with adding the knit-tube dress and array of other knits to my three-look collection is whether or not I will be able to blend the looks together with cohesion. I worry that if there are too many factors playing in texture wise, there may be disconnect between all of the looks as a collection. 


This is the knit-tube dress I developed. The other knits that would be added to the collection would follow along the same knit structure and yarn color.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Capstone // Week Eight

We are just wrapping up our last week of our second month of school, and boy oh boy are things moving quickly.

Our second ensemble is due this Thursday, so look for an upcoming sneak peak!

Our Capstone Fashion Show has officially been scheduled for Wednesday April 13th at 7pm, at the Grand Rapids Downtown Market. This years theme is UnEarth - which I think goes hand in hand with crystals, which is where my collection's theme derives!

I really can't believe that this semester is already so close to being finished, but I could not be more ecstatic to see everyone's collections come to life and rock it down the runway.

For more info on our upcoming fashion show, click here.

- Rose Stone

Work work

This week I've been working on finishing pants and a jacket. It's been probably my favorite pieces to make so far because of the structure and the materials. The jacket is made of  a quilted coat lining as the exterior for texture and dimension. Having to be precise can be fun in a weird way, being in control of what you're doing is very satisfying. 


Ensemble two is wrapping up. There is a lot of work to be done still as far as hand sewing goes, but I am confident and happy with how things are finishing. A quick, last minute decision to change the fabric for my shorts for this next look is also something I'm confident in. 

I found an intricate, burn-out velvet that will add a touch of interest for ensemble two and three that I was missing before. 

I am enjoying the mix of machine stitching and stability with hand stitched finishes- I think it adds a personal touch to each garment.

Moving forward, it's crazy to think there is only six weeks until showtime! The deadlines are fast approaching and senior year is also going as fast as it came.

Questions still on my mind:

1. Embellishments and how those are going to play in?
2. Accessories? What? How many?
3. What is my timeline and how am I going to stick to that?

             A sneak peek at the next ensemble 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The best feeling in the world is when you make a pattern and the fit is perfect. All the calculations

made to draft the perfect pattern take time and prototypes are important because without them you

don't know whether the pattern is right or not. I'd say it's the step we have to spend the most time on

because once you have that down, construction is a breeze and it's all thanks to a good pattern. I'm

glad my patterns for the second ensemble are turning out exactly as I want them to. I know it'll turn

out very clean cut and sharp.

Capstone // Week Seven

This week our second prototype was due at the beginning of class. The weeks are starting to blur together, yet finally, we are starting to see our collections as they begin to bloom to life. 

Below is a picture I took in class today, of the back design of my second garment. I need to fit the front of the dress, re-work my patterns and sew them up a final time to make sure my adjustments helped to improve my overall design. 

Our next class (this coming Thursday), we will need to have our prototypes re-worked and our patterns solidified so that we can begin construction on our second garment. 

"It's all happening!"

- Rose Stone 

Keep working...

Time flies, I am aiming on the second ensemble. I learn a lot from the first one, now, I feel more confident going to the next one. What I need right now is keep working, working and working. Wish everything turns out better then I expect.

Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Trying to make things that don't exist.
Trying to make things that already exist, 
with my own order of operations.
Trying to understand why I am not a manufacturer.
Trying to make other people understand why I am not a manufacturer.

That is all.


a.g. langejans

Capstone // Week Six

This week has and will consist of creating both my patterns and a prototype for my second garment. 

I'm feeling much more confident going into my second garment. Many kinks got worked out along the way of the creation and construction of garment one. I can't wait to see how my second creation blossoms.

My second gown will follow design details that I worked into my first garment to make the line cohesive. I love seeing each garment come to life, and I'm even more excited to see the line when it is completely produced and grouped together.

Keep checking back to this blog for more updates and sneak peeks of my work!

- Rose Stone

Square one

This week I am back to prototyping and drafting the next ensemble. My main concerns are all of the moving parts of my garments and getting all of these pieces to come together. I am still working on swatches to figure out how to tie in my 3-D knitting as well. 

The first 3-D knitting project is a tubular skirt to accompany ensemble numero uno!

I need to keep reminding myself there is light at the end of the tunnel to get through the next two months and finally reveal all of the goodies I have been cooking up at the Capstone Fashion Show in April.


It's time to start working on the second ensemble. This is one of my more involved looks with many pieces to construct, it consists of a jacket, a blouse and pants. It's a very clean look so I want to take it slow and make sure everything fits right and looks killer. So I'm taking today to drape and get my patterns in order. I've been stepping back and looking at the bigger picture every once in a while because it's easy to get caught up in details that in the end make no difference.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

One Done, Thinking something more fun...

The first ensemble is done.
I still have some detail need to work on.
I love the color all match together and all different fabrics inspired me a lot.
I learned so many things from the first ensemble and I will definitely work better on the rest of my mini collection.
Keep thinking everything more and more creative and fun...

Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!