Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The best feeling in the world is when you make a pattern and the fit is perfect. All the calculations

made to draft the perfect pattern take time and prototypes are important because without them you

don't know whether the pattern is right or not. I'd say it's the step we have to spend the most time on

because once you have that down, construction is a breeze and it's all thanks to a good pattern. I'm

glad my patterns for the second ensemble are turning out exactly as I want them to. I know it'll turn

out very clean cut and sharp.

Capstone // Week Seven

This week our second prototype was due at the beginning of class. The weeks are starting to blur together, yet finally, we are starting to see our collections as they begin to bloom to life. 

Below is a picture I took in class today, of the back design of my second garment. I need to fit the front of the dress, re-work my patterns and sew them up a final time to make sure my adjustments helped to improve my overall design. 

Our next class (this coming Thursday), we will need to have our prototypes re-worked and our patterns solidified so that we can begin construction on our second garment. 

"It's all happening!"

- Rose Stone 

Keep working...

Time flies, I am aiming on the second ensemble. I learn a lot from the first one, now, I feel more confident going to the next one. What I need right now is keep working, working and working. Wish everything turns out better then I expect.

Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Trying to make things that don't exist.
Trying to make things that already exist, 
with my own order of operations.
Trying to understand why I am not a manufacturer.
Trying to make other people understand why I am not a manufacturer.

That is all.


a.g. langejans

Capstone // Week Six

This week has and will consist of creating both my patterns and a prototype for my second garment. 

I'm feeling much more confident going into my second garment. Many kinks got worked out along the way of the creation and construction of garment one. I can't wait to see how my second creation blossoms.

My second gown will follow design details that I worked into my first garment to make the line cohesive. I love seeing each garment come to life, and I'm even more excited to see the line when it is completely produced and grouped together.

Keep checking back to this blog for more updates and sneak peeks of my work!

- Rose Stone

Square one

This week I am back to prototyping and drafting the next ensemble. My main concerns are all of the moving parts of my garments and getting all of these pieces to come together. I am still working on swatches to figure out how to tie in my 3-D knitting as well. 

The first 3-D knitting project is a tubular skirt to accompany ensemble numero uno!

I need to keep reminding myself there is light at the end of the tunnel to get through the next two months and finally reveal all of the goodies I have been cooking up at the Capstone Fashion Show in April.


It's time to start working on the second ensemble. This is one of my more involved looks with many pieces to construct, it consists of a jacket, a blouse and pants. It's a very clean look so I want to take it slow and make sure everything fits right and looks killer. So I'm taking today to drape and get my patterns in order. I've been stepping back and looking at the bigger picture every once in a while because it's easy to get caught up in details that in the end make no difference.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

One Done, Thinking something more fun...

The first ensemble is done.
I still have some detail need to work on.
I love the color all match together and all different fabrics inspired me a lot.
I learned so many things from the first ensemble and I will definitely work better on the rest of my mini collection.
Keep thinking everything more and more creative and fun...

Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!

Capstone // Week Five

This week our first garment was due in Capstone. After a strenuous week/weekend of construction, I feel pleased with the way that my first garment turned out. Although it definitely needs to be steamed and pressed, I am satisfied with my end design as well as the fit of my final garment.

Here are two detail photos of my final garment that I took today in class.

We will be having a Capstone show in the beginning of April where all of our garments will be displayed. Keep following my blog to get updated on the date and location of our show so that you can see my full garment on display.

- Rose Stone

One Down, Three To Go

First ensembles are at a point of critique and place where any questions that came from finishes can be discussed and genuine feedback given by other designers. 

I am feeling encouraged and optimistic about the ensembles to come after these first garments are almost done and I am feeling back in the groove of my designs and really getting a handle on Dreamstate as a collection. Moving forward I want to develop the manual knitting aspects I am going to play into my collection and nail down where those aspects will be highlighted best. Along with keeping knitting in mind, I am developing swatches now for color, knit structure and gauge to figure out how I can add different elements to the garments.

Things to think about:

1. Sticking to my set timeline
2. Create more balance in the different textures I am putting together 
3. Fixing and updating flat designs and illustrations
4. Touching base with Liz (mentor) about the collection direction

Golden touch

February 9, 2016
The main construction of the first ensemble is done, but now the real war begins. Beading. These beautiful little golden tubes are what will give this garment the final touch it needs. But it's not so simple. Hours hunched over this small piece and still have so much more to go. But hard work pays off and I know I'll be able to take a step back and really appreciate it.


I hate it when things always feel so big in the beginning 
and then they start to feel so small.
Hi my name is Audrey and I have a very hard time with commitment.

Gravity rides everything and we'll all float on alright and my lampshades are on fire.

a.g. langejans 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hello and Good Luck

Hello everyone!
I hope that Capstone has been going well for all of you.
I don't have pictures yet, but at FIT we've been very busy draping, pattern making, and illustrating.
At FIT we spend 14 hrs a week draping on the form... so we've already draped a basic skirt, bodice, sleeve, collar, flare skirt, and a dolman (kimono) bodice. Next week we will be starting an A-line skirt in sewing techniques class with a bottom weight cotton fabric (finally something NOT in muslin!).
I should have pictures soon!
The very best of luck to everyone!


Thursday, February 4, 2016


T r i a l

Does the design look like the sketch?
Does the sketch look like the flat?
Can she move her arms in his?
Can her body breathe?
Are those pull strings working?

Is this machine working?
Why is this fabric like sewing water?
Is this fabric truly waterproof?

Rain jacket.
Trail and error.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Capstone // Week Four

Today in Capstone our first prototype was due at the beginning of class, as well as our finalized moodboard and collection boards, which we now have hanging up in our sewing lab. Below is a close up shot of a portion of my moodboard with my chosen fabrics for my bridal collection, Gypsy Rose.

I really enjoy making prototypes because it gives you the opportunity to see your design come to life, as well as all of the ways in which to improve said designs. 

The weeks are really starting to rock n' roll and I can't wait to see how everything comes together. Look for upcoming photos of my first bridal gown - I'll be posting pictures next Tuesday!

- Rose Stone

Week Four.

Make sure every seam is right.
Make sure every stitch is correct.
Make sure to use my time efficiently.
Make sure everything goes on track.
It's time to finish my first ensemble.

Always keep “Don’t be boring!” in mind and stay tuned!

Being Prototype Proactive

Prototyping continues this week as we wrap up our first ensembles early next week. Its all about prototyping, sizing, re-fitting, re-prototyping and prototyping some more, all in the hopes of a flawless garment construction.

I truly think the first ensemble is really getting the ball rolling again and all of the garments to come will be in much better condition at this point in a few weeks. It’s hard to believe that in two short months there will be a final collection sitting before me… so much to do to get to that point!

Future questions:

1.     How will I manage my time more effectively?
2.     Can I still utilize sustainable practices in my construction?

3.     What am I doing for finishes? Linings? Appliqués?



Finding balance in structure.
 Making structure more subtle.
 Making subtle more intentional. 
Intentionally making it structural.
Balancing structure intentionally subtle?

Talk to my friend Rachel, she might know what I mean.


a. g. langejans

Just a Few Elements

     With the first ensemble due next Tuesday I am nearing the final stages of my garment

construction. I only have a few elements to incorporate into the garment and the first look will be

finished. It's very time-consuming and I may go blind by the end of the semester, but this is why

couture sewing is an art. It is delicate, but strong and assuring, it is sophisticated and very human. I

get frustrated with it many times and it'll take a lot of time to master but I never want to stop doing it

and proving that fashion is art.