Saturday, April 8, 2017


Three of our looks have been officially submitted for Capstone this past week. It's gratifying to see it all finally coming together; making it worth each late night and early morning. This process has been a very emotional and introspective one for myself, I have translated these emotions into colors, weights, shapes and patterns. My collection finally has a formal title, Hiraeth, a Welsh word that refers to a nostalgic feeling that likens itself to homesickness, or a place in which you cannot return that is in the past; which for me is my childhood. I feel as though it is important for my audience to see my whole process, from the preliminary sketches to my final garments walking down the runway at our Capstone show. I am incredibly proud of myself and am in awe that I have officially decided to have six looks to walk down the runway instead of my original three. Stay tuned for more! :)

Thursday, March 30, 2017


This past weekend was a whirlwind but a successful one nonetheless. I placed a garment I created in innovative techniques into the BOA or Bodies of Art Fashion show at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. I received a lot of good reception at the show for my design so I had decided to include the digital print I used in innovative and translate it into another one of my looks. This time I printed in a smaller format in a darker blue tone. Digital printing is a process that doesn't require a lot of time and is ultimately rewarding in the end. I am very pleased with the way my fabric turned out!

Friday, March 24, 2017

To the wire

Hey all, 

Things are just going by so quickly and as we cross off the days on our calendars, the more I realize that the end is closer than I am prepared for, for the moment.  But... I'm going to keep pushing, keep sewing, keep putting my all into this collection.  

Finishing strong is the goal! Not just with this collection but in all of my classes, i'm coming down to the last month of my college career and the pressure is heavy, but I never fold. 

WATCH ME WORK, right down to the wire πŸ’ͺ😎

P.s. I think I've chosen some shoe selections for the show.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Keep Going

This week has been really productive! The work shirt is done, which means that I have a full look completed. I also just finished up the short dress and I'm almost done with another knit piece. I'm going to keep this short because I am BUSY. Hopefully this time next week all of the individual pieces will be constructed and ready for embroidery/dye work.

Friday, March 17, 2017


This has been my absolute first time experimenting with Indigo dyes, let alone natural plant based dye. Achieving my desired shade of indigo was a little bit more of a challenge than I had anticipated, yet it was a great experience nonetheless. It was a lot of trial and error but I had come to the conclusion that 100% organic linen is a very absorbent fiber thus making nearly impossible to resist dye with. The final result was the fabric absorbing a beautiful shade of blue. I will be using this fabric in my capstone collection for one of my looks.   


Hey all, 

As I am beginning to recognize the amount of time I have to pull this collection together, before the show, I am very anxious and approaching panic mode.

I am happy to have all of my patterns done, which was the goal for February. Now I can focus mainly on the final construction of my garments in fashion fabrics.  It's hard to believe that next Monday will mark one month until the fashion show! 

I have put together final hair and makeup looks for my models and my vision is coming together quite wonderfully, I can't believe I'm this close to the end. There's work to be done and I need to start moving quickly.  

Tay πŸ’•

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Push and Pull

Things are moving quicker and quicker. 

The pressure is pushing down harder and harder. 

Deep breaths and positivity are my constant reminders everyday to keep going, to accomplish what I'm capable of.

"The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory."

xoxo, L


Finally finally finally finally I have finished the knitted jumpsuit! I'm incredibly happy with how it turned out.
I dyed it according to a formula I worked out with my swatch testing last month and it came out really nicely... more of a sage green than an olive green, but I promised myself I wouldn't be disappointed with my final results because natural dyes are so finicky.

I'm finishing up the work shirt, and hoping to bang out the pajama set this weekend, too. I'm gaining momentum!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Spring Break

I am proud to say I've made a lot of progress during this past week which had meant to be our Spring Break. The lab has been my home away from home for the last few days; my first look is almost complete and I am halfway through my second. It is refreshing to see actual progress and my sketches come to life. I am hopeful that I may have enough time to create a fourth look that could be in the works here soon. 

Friday, March 3, 2017


Hey all, 

The countdown is real! 

Less than 6 weeks until the capstone show and I’m feeling the pressure, anxiety and excitement all at once.  Yesterday, we turned in prototypes for 3 complete ensembles and I must say I am more ahead of the game than I thought. 

I’m so confident in my collection and my ability to construct my garments in the exact way that they are shown in my sketches and technical flats.  I have reached the requirement mark and plan to use my spring break as time to further develop my line and finalize my fabric options for each garment. It’s so rewarding to know that all of my hard work is paying off because my collection is looking so BOMB!

Tay πŸ’•

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Phase Two

Today we critiqued and went over everyone's full collection of prototypes! It was so exciting to get a better sense of not only our own looks all together, not only each other's looks all together, but ALL of each other's looks completely combined as one show! I love how much variety we're going to have!

Last night I did my final round (I think..) of natural dye testing and I am SO HAPPY with the results!!
Things are finally starting to feel real... and while there is still a lot of work to be done on fixing my prototypes and patterns, having these final swatches is like the last piece of the puzzle.. I definitely feel like I'm in "phase two" -- the building phase, the making phase. It feels amazing.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Getting Real

I haven't blogged since our class trip to NYC! 

Sup y'all ;)

A week spent in New York was bombarded with inspiration, culture shock, and endless stories to come back to Michigan with. The Pamella Roland fashion show was a whirlwind. We were given VIP seats right across from none other than Miss J, Jay Manuel, and Nigel Barker - AKA the most recognizable cast members of the famous show America's Next Top Model. It was incredible to see each garment in motion, to see how the fabrics draped upon the models and the construction details that you could only notice in person. It's safe to say it was an overwhelming experience and something I had always dreamed of seeing. We were fortunate enough to have a real taste of the fashion industry and I think it's crucial to see these things first hand, rather than just reading or watching a video about it. It gave me just the right kick to envision my capstone collection walking down the runway come April. 

Stars fading but I linger on dear…

xoxo, L


Friday, February 24, 2017

Clock Strikes SLAY

Hey all, 

Is anyone else nervous for midterms? I am! πŸ‘€ It’s been a busy week catching back up with school after our trip to NY and I must admit I’m quite anxious and super nervous because midterms are on the horizon.  I’ve worked really hard the past 4 years as a student and it’s important to me that I finish strong with the same determination in these last few months of my senior year.  My working boards are up and my mental calendars are what I follow most more than my written calendars. I'm driven by how much I’d like to design for the fashion show, rather than how much is required.  I’m feeling inspired, I’ve been working diligently during class periods and outside of class to have a garment/ensemble drafted and prototyped every week.  My working boards have been very helpful and are keeping me on track and as I race against time, boy is going fast. I’m feeling proud of what I’m accomplishing and how accurate my prototypes are to my sketches and concept.  The clock is striking SLAY and that I WILL DO 😎

Good Luck during midterms everyone! Please send up a prayer for me! LOL 

Tay πŸ’•

Thursday, February 23, 2017

P/P-February, Making-March

FEBRUARY is the time for perfecting the patterns + prototypes... All of them are due for review by March 2, next Thursday, so I've been plugging away to make sure I'm all set up for a really productive March! MARCH is for making!!!

 I feel good about my prototypes and pieces so far... I'm going to try and work extra hard on my hand knits over spring break (it starts at the end of next week! aah!) because those pieces are really crucial for adding a level of depth and texture to all of my simple, loose-fitting, sewn pieces.

Today I worked on my sleeveless tank and wrap skirt. I still need to draft the pants and the gown, then sew them all..... and then I'll be good to go. I won't be relaxing very much this weekend!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Following our trip to NYC I have returned to classes this week with a more open mind and my heart set on every step I need to take to execute my Capstone. I feel passionately about this project and have been working diligently ever since my return every day and night. I have found the perfect fabrics (which I will be posting later), that embody my concept and accentuate my silhouettes. Previously I wanted a darker palette but I have soon realized upon obtaining my fabrics that my concept deserves a lighter one.   

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Procrastination, Process, Prototype

Hey all, 

Post for February 7, 2017, πŸ‘€πŸ™ˆ lol. It feels good to have been able to create prototypes for my garments, this is called the trial and error process.  I am able to see what works, what doesn’t work, what fits, what doesn’t fit, etc.  It’s nice to be able to hear feedback from my cohorts on my collection and final designs because it encourages me even if i’m having doubts.  Most often as a designer I grow quite tired of looking and developing the same things for so long, but new perspectives allow me to realize just why I am doing it.  I’ll always remember my previous professor Stephanie Wood telling me, “Trust your instincts Taylor,” that statement is so important and something that I always here in the back of my head as i’m designing or doing something new. As I become more of an independent designer and begin creating and developing my own brand, I have to stay true to who I am as a designer and who I am as a person while letting everything else flow and fall into place.  

Tay πŸ’•


Fabrics, Trims, Swatches, OH MY!

Hey all, 

I’ve finally chosen my fabrics for my senior capstone collection! Yay! I’m so excited. As I continue to study them, feel them, imagine them as garments and compare them to my final sketches I am on fire with inspiration, ideas, silhouettes, etc.  Although, the senior Capstone minimum requirement includes 3 ensembles,  I am so inspired and determined to continue to create until I have exhausted my overall creative mind, concept, and have used every inch of fabric that I have obtained to complete my collection. Fabric inspires me and it is hard for me to design without feeling, seeing and putting together different fabrics, textures, trims, etc. I am so excited.  I want to push myself to the limit with this collection, I want to feel empty, not in a bad way, lol but in a good way after this collection is completed because I have put my all into it. I’m ready.  

Tay πŸ’•


Hey all, 

NY is where fashion lives, where it breathes, where it’s discovered, where it thrives.  I am so inspired.  Never in a million years did I ever think i would have the chance to travel to New York, I always knew it would happen someday, but i never dreamt it would happen as apart of my design process in creating my final senior capstone collection.  I have always felt that I was missing out or missing the mark attending Kendall’s Fashion Studies program in my pursuit of becoming a designer or just being in the atmosphere of fashion, by not choosing to go to FIT, to obtain a Fashion Design degree, in addition to my Fashion Studies degree at Kendall.  Boy, was I ever wrong.  Fashion lives anywhere if it lives in you and I believe that those same opportunities that are available in New York are also available anywhere you go.  I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to New York with such an inspirational professor as Lori Faulkner.  Her genuine love and support for students’ dreams are unmeasurable and while spending time with recent Kendall students who now attend FIT, we aren’t missing out on anything while studying fashion in Grand Rapids, MI.  Lori has made it her purpose to bring those same dreams that thrive in New York to Michigan is it ever commendable. We are all learning the same things to achieve the same goal and i’m determined to achieve them whether in New York or Michigan.  What a blessing, I am blessed.  


Thursday, February 16, 2017


It's been a restorative week here in Grand Rapids.. I've been catching up on some to-do list items and knitting ALL. THE. TIME. I had a spark of an idea when I came across a really great company producing 100% American grown/milled cotton jersey.... my capstone doesn't have any cut-and-sew knits in it but I think it would be fun to make a few t shirts to sell at the fashion show. So, I'm working on making 4 really cool styles that will correlate with the seasons. Spring will be a boxy, slightly cropped shape. Summer will also be boxy but with a wider neck and slightly shorter sleeves. Autumn will be a longer style with side slits, and Winter will be a very classic unisex crew. Do I really have time for this side project? Who knows? It's getting me inspired, though!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Capstone Show: THE THEME IS HERE!

As the promotion Coordinator for the Capstone show I have organized a series of mood board imagery and ideas which I would like to share so that our guests have a good idea of what they may be seeing come this April! I am excited to announce our theme which is Nocturne, alluding to the different seasons of the moon in relation to the earth. Each season has a different name as follows, Spring Equinox is titled Ostara, Winter Solstice is titled Yule, Fall Equinox is titled Mabon and the Summer Solstice is titled Litha. Our underclassmen at KCAD will be designing around these seasons for the Capstone show, following our final collections! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Breathing Room

Today we had our prototype reviews for looks 1 & 2 -- since I am still planning on making 6 looks, I pushed myself to make patterns and prototypes for looks 1, 2, & 3. I definitely ran into some problems with my samples (armholes! butts! ridiculous wrestling onesie!) but they've provided me with tons of clarity on what I need to tweak to make the finals look really REALLY good. It's strange but... I'm not that worried! I have a feeling that everything will be fine, and that I'll really be able to pull this all off!

The group goes to New York on Thursday for the week, which gives me a little bit of breathing room to finish up some of my handknit pieces. I can't wait to see photos from the trip, but I'm perfectly content to miss out.

Have fun everyone!

This weekend I did some dye tests-- I focused on finding the right shade of olive green. I think I found it :)