Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 11 Ensemble 3 ✔

Third outfit turned out how I expected to look. The time of making theee outfits for class went by so fast and making the decision to make 8 is really stepping out of the comfort box. Excited to continue to use time wisely sewing the rest of the outfits while still having other classes to do homework in. Goals are now to set a time for each outfit, and whichever the timer stops on, go to the next. It's the most wonderful time of the year!!🎉

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Week 10/ Ready. Set. Flex.

Wasnt planning to spend 4 hours in the lab on Thursday. I guess it was a party of us fashion students. It was well worth it, so it can be printing early and on time. Seeing the first strip of the banner come out of the printer was when it hit me that this was real ....and the show is almost here.

It is amazing to go through this whole printing process. It's like magic! Printing on fabric will last a lifetime! Excited to see this at the fashion show with the rest of my collection! 😁

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Week 9️⃣ Proto 3 ✅


Prototype for ensemble 3 is done. Realizing that working with knit fabric is my favorite, and probably my number one go to. Finally using fabric that I have at home that replicate my final fabric. This one shall be fun !! 😁😁

Thursday, March 21, 2019

the sleepy seamstress stitched her last seam and questioned if this was all a dream?

My week was spent working on my third ensemble. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend and quickly move onto my fourth look! I'm writing this from a very tired and ready-for-bed state of mind, so my apologies for the brevity. I'm happy with how this third look is turning out and am really excited to see it finalized, standing next to my other two looks. Slowly but surely the pieces are coming together.

Another thing I'm excited for is to plan out the senior exhibition that will be on display in the atrium of the main Kendall building on Pearl St. all of April! Our class headed over there today to begin planning. This will have to come together quickly, as its March 21st and this exhibition will be up by the first of April...

Things are in the works! We are almost at the one month mark, ahhhhhhh!

Muslin Samples

I've been at Kendall for 4 years now and one thing I can say is that I loathe making muslin samples. I understand and appreciate the necessity of making a garment with inexpensive fabric to test proper fit and drape and to iron out and stream line the construction process. We as human however are very interested in immediate gratification and in my brain the sampling process slows down my path to immediate gratification. Part of the reason I loved sewing so much in high school was the feeling of accomplishment I received when I completed a project. Projects take a little longer now that I have knowledge of proper fit but I've also come to learn that the pay of is so much greater. To look at a piece that I have made that fits exactly the way I originally intended without bending my aesthetic to meet the limitations of my abilities is beyond satisfying. I truly can not wait to show off my talents, ability, and education on the runway in just a few short weeks. Wish me luck. I have a lot more to do.

Monday, March 18, 2019


Spring break!

This break was actually really fun and it wasn't because I had the luxury of traveling this year, it was because of the amount of time spent with friends sewing our brains out together. I know all my classmates were working on their collections over break, there were a few in addition to myself who came in to the sewing lab almost every day to work on things. I'm simply not as productive at home so it was nice to have the lab available during break. I patterned my entire third look and made prototypes of each garment to ensure the final look would fit as I wanted it to. My aesthetic isn't exactly tailored, classic pieces. Though my aesthetic has changed throughout college quite a bit, I'd say one thing that has been consistent is my love for voluminous, non-fitted clothing. Personally, I feel more comfortable in looser silhouettes as I don't feel everything is on display and I have more functionality in my ability to move around. This third look, however, is more tailored and intricate than what I usually design. I think it still flows well as the sleeve of the shirt is large and in charge, and the pants are somewhat loose.

In addition to my third look being patterned and prototyped, I did a few illustrations and made a bralette-type-thing to go with my second look. No free-the-nip for us!

It is crazy to me that we're hitting the one month from the show mark REALLY soon... I am confident I'll do all that I hoped to do but this will involve long nights with little sleep. This is the first time that I'm actually happy to function without much sleep, I can see the results of all the work I'm putting in and that is extremely rewarding.

Part of our fun was taking pictures almost every day to send to Lori to show her how hard at work we were! We want to make you proud, Lori!! Here are some progress photos of my work, the photos we sent to Lori, and our last spring break hurrah picture where we went to a new restaurant on Wealthy called Hancock (fried chicken and champagne, what's not to love?).

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Spring Break!...? ish

Yay! we've made it to spring break. Although it really isn't that much of a break as I work to get ahead on some projects and stay up on my other school work. I have boat loads of homework to get done but I have only a tea kettle worth of time. 59 days to be exact. Not that I have been counting. Really in all honesty, the stress and havoc that college wreaks on my life on a semester to semester basis is all I've known for the last 6 years. Some semesters are harder than others of course but we grow to love it...well sort of. There is a sense of satisfaction every time I get a project done, every-time I have a new idea, every-time I come to a new understanding of a concept of technique. I get a rush from figuring out how things work. One of my newest experiments has been a reversible cropped bustier I've been working on. The pattern pieces were a challenge and the construction has proven to be a learning experience as well. Stay tuned for more progress on this look.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Is It All Downhill From Here?

Last week our second ensemble was due and I kid you not, I have hit my peak. The skirt I made was the most beautiful garment I have ever created...I may feel that way about the future garments I create but in this moment I have not made anything prettier than this skirt! I'm telling you! The excitement I'm feeling is motivating me to march on, continue patterning, drafting, prototyping, and sewing. This week is our spring break and while Florida sounds very nice, I am staying here to continue working on my collection and hopefully whipping out an additional couple looks.

I am really proud of myself for how far I've come. I'm able to see that myself and everyone else in my class has their strengths and weaknesses. Sewing has never been my strongest suit and it is hard not to compare my projects to everyone else's when there are several people in my class who are amazing at sewing! They have always motivated me to do better and be better, but it's easy to get down on myself for not turning in something that I would love to be perfectly constructed. Especially when I know I tried to make something beautifully constructed and it comes out less than. I am feeling more confident about my sewing abilities with this collection and I feel that it's showing. The first two ensembles I have made are (not to come off as braggadocios) the best that I have ever done. Part of it is that I really am taking my time (a lot...a lot of time) and putting all my love and care into the clothes that I am sewing. I think I used to get frustrated when things didn't turn out well and just throw in the towel then. Part of it may also be that I am excited to make these clothes, whereas previously I may not have had that excitement to motivate me to do my best.

Anyway, I am really pleased with how everything is coming along and it's starting to become real that my collection will walk the runway in a little over a crazy is that? Here's a photo of my weaving applique I made a couple weekends ago to sew onto a shirt as part of my second ensemble.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Ensemble Two Complete

This week, I continued to work on my second ensemble and completed it! After starting to construct the look in the final fabric, I decided... yet again... to make more changes to the top. I ended up fully lining it, added boning to the sides, and changing the back closure. My original idea for the back closure was a 3 inch detachable zipper which is not something that is very commonly made or used. One of my classmates suggested that I add eyelets and and lace it up. I am very happy with how it turned out! 
It is crazy to me that the semester is now half way over and the show is just a little over a month away! I still have a lot of work to get done before then, so hopefully the week off for spring break will help!

Prototypes on Prototypes

A major lesson that I will take away from going to fashion school -- nothing will EVER go as planned. Sure, you can have a plan, but something will always come up and make your plan more difficult. 
For the second look of my collection, I am making a fitted bandeau top and a pair of pants with a peplum ruffle detail. Both of these pieces are being made from a woven fabric. Lets just say... it's been a minute since I've made something that's fitted out of a woven fabric, and it has sure been a fun adventure. 
I just finished constructing prototype 2.5 of this look and I now think I have finally achieved the look I had planned!
Even though this look has been a challenge for me to create, I am glad I decided to do it since it has given me a chance to brush up on some skills I've forgotten about.
Next week will be a true test to see if my hard work pays off as I create ensemble two in the final fabric!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Week 🎱 2nd Ensemble due

Good afternoon🖐🏼,

Ensemble two should be done but I have some touching up to do. Working with different types of fabrics, and curves is really fun!!! I do like the way the silhouette came out, and the 4 different colors work together in this one piece. Too bad I didnt get to present my piece on the form or even have someone model it for me, instead it was hanging. I realised that in order to put this bodysuit "shorts" on is to have the invisisble zipper. (Which is what I had, and a suggestion of having snaps or some type of closure on the same side as the zipper, but in the shoulder seam. That way the whole side will open open to fit/go over the shoulders and head. Otherwise the bodysuit did fit the form before both shoulder seams were sewn.

Changes were made (original plan) to the bodysuit with sandwiching the customed print fabric to the bodysuit with part of the zipper being in it. This still have flow to it, like how I imaged 😊😊 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Week Seven

After prototyping ensemble 2 twice, the style of the shorts changed a little. This is a set of two pieces. The skirt part comes off, for the side zipper on the actual bodysuit. Excited to make fit changes to the prototype, and start the final fabric, thats always the fun part to look forward to! ✊🏽✊🏽

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Haiku About The Blues

A haiku about this past week:

Long nights in the lab
Trying to enjoy it all
Because this is it.

I have to keep reminding myself that I need to be excited about all the work for my collection. This isn't just another project! It really hasn't hit me that I will be done after this semester. Honestly, I'm kind of sad that my time at Kendall is ending. There's a reason that I chose to stay here my senior year and not go to FIT. Kendall has a very special place in my heart and I have developed greatly on a personal and professional level over the last four years. I've made such close friends and have learned a lot about myself. During my freshman year, I was extremely shy and had a hard time socializing with people I was unfamiliar with. While this is still the case in some situations, and it takes me a little while to open up to others, I have grown leaps and bounds when it comes to socializing. I just feel more comfortable around people. Maybe this doesn't seem like it's related to my capstone but it is. With my theme being self portraiture, I am trying to convey a message of transitioning. When I journaled about where I felt I was last August, I felt like this year was about transition. I am transitioning into a career, out of college (and maybe out of school forever...we'll see), but with transition/change comes growth. I plan to have each look from my collection become more and more colorful and vibrant to represent the growth I have made during college, but also as a reminder to myself that I will continue to grow. I won't lie, I'm a little nervous about what my life will be like post-college. I know that this comes from not knowing exactly where I will find work, but I have to keep reminding myself that I will find something and I will be okay. This battle between the anxiousness about the unknown, and the logic that is trusting I will find my way through this transition is represented in a contrast between the use of straight, linear, inorganic elements combined with very organic, amoebic shapes and lines. 

I am still painting on my garments, but plan to play around with trim on top of where I paint as a way to "paint" with trim. The tools I have to use as a fashion designer are much different than those of a painter, so I am merging the two worlds by using media from both industries. Van Gogh's paintings have this indescribable quality to them, where I feel like I get to know him when I look at his self portraits. The hard part about taking inspiration from his self portraits is that it is difficult to express exactly why his self portraits connect with me. Right now, I just hope that when you look at my collection you feel like you get to know a part of me. Whether or not you can verbalize what it is about me that you learn. 

As a formal update on my collection, I have really been thinking more conceptually the last two weeks. I've also been chugging along in the physical realm, and have completed my patterns and prototype for my second look. I will be working in the lab all of spring break to get ahead on my looks, and hopefully get an additional two done during that week. I'm excited about what is all to come. 


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Critics & More Prototyping

This past week has been filled with lots of patterning! I began patterning for the first men's look that will include a jacket with a breathable thermal lining along with the second woman's look of the collection. 
As I approach this next week, I will be sewing another prototype for the woman's look along with patterning a pair of men's shorts to match the jacket.

I reached out to a few industry professional's to find someone to review my collection at the end of the semester. Both of them said yes! The Oddest, from Grand Rapids, will be reviewing my collection, along with another brand, from Detroit, known as SMPLFD. I am very eager to hear what they'll have to say about my work!

Week 6 😶


Patterns are done for ensemble 2! I was close to being done with the prototype, but I ended up wanting to start a new one. I'm feeling more confident on this one. During this process I wanted to already have my 3rd and 4th ensemble patterned, and ready to go. Making it happen day by day. 🙂🙏🏽

Saturday, February 23, 2019

More Sample Work on week Four...Five? oh Who Knows Anymore

Well despite being terrible at keeping up will blog posts I have been toiling away and more collection related fun. We had our first critique and we are fully on our way in making look 2! I spent most of last class period making a lovely sample of a powerful pair of wide legged button front pants. I'll be working on patterning the sleeve to the top that goes with this ensemble and then in full swing with sample making. I'm so stoked to see how the full look turns out but for now take a look at my progress from last class period.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Week Foivee 🙃 1st ensemble done!!!

The first ensemble's due date came up super fast. One out of eight outfits is completed! So happy the way my customed print came out. It's nice and flowy for this specific dress.

I also had my model try on the dress, and it fits perfectly! It was nice to see the dress on something else rather then the dress form.

My next task is to sew the next prototype for my second look, and hopefully starting to pattern for the third and the fifth look. 😁😁😁🙏🏽🙏🏽