Sunday, November 29, 2020

Week 13


This past week was Thanksgiving... Wow we're really getting close to the end!!

For my collection, I have been working on all of the finishings! I'm SOOOO close to being done, 2 more hems and 1 zipper to do! Then I will photograph it all and turn it in!! So crazy.. I had my sister help me to take picture of some of the things that I made and got completely done, so that was pretty exciting to see my stuff on a body!

I also finished my whole Chanel look! I made my jacket and skirt obviously, and then I made a little halter top and a mask to go with it! It was so fun to make and I am happy it is done because I LOVE it, but I kind of want to start another one! I had a good time putting it together!

So by the next time I am blogging, I will hopefully be done with nearly all of my work! How exciting!!

Until then....

Monday, November 23, 2020

Week 12

 Hello, blog world! It's Bella, here to update you on what I did last week.

So, big news. I finished my Chanel Jacket!!!! Yay! I put it on and felt so G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S. I was feeling so excited about finishing that, that I also completed the skirt, and began to work on the matching halter and top that I have planned to go with it. 

As far as my collection, I did not make very many major changes. I brought them to (my last ever :() class and made plans for how I need to finish everything, so that I what I will be working on this week. I was able to get my banner printed for it though. So my plans are to finish up those finishing touches between this week and next, and to get some photographs to work with until I can safely work with a model and a photographer. I will be making masks for each look as well.

It's crazy the end is almost here, and I am feeling not super overwhelmed with my workload, so cheers to that!!

See you next week, hopefully I crank some work out!!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Week 11


This past week flew by!

To start this week off, I began with working on starting the sleeves for my Chanel Jacket, but I was running my grandma to her doctors appointments all monday, so I did not get as much done as I would have hoped.

Tuesday we were in class, and I was able to get some more work on my sleeves then, and when I got home! On Wednesday I had one sleeve done and ready to be set into the jacket! I did that, and decided to get some work down on my capstone!

For my capstone, I only had one garment left to get patterned and made... the jumpsuit! There were a lot of pieces for this one so I spent pretty much all the late end of Wednesday and day of Thursday doing that. I then decided I needed a break from my work table and got to work finishing up all my flats and my banner for my collection! 

Friday, I was refreshed and got to sewing. I got the pants part of the jumpsuit sewn in the shell fabrics, and all the rest of it cut out. There were so many pieces, I wanted to get more of it sewn, but all the fabric cutting got me overwhelmed! 

I decided to take a break from my jumpsuit and spent the rest of the weekend working on designing and making my Sustainable project. I wanted to do another zero waste and came up with a new top! 

This week I plan to finish my jumpsuit, put the other sleeve into my jacket and finish that up, and work on my visibility project for GAF!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Week 10


This week went super fast and super slow at the same time.... I guess that's what happens when election day turns to election week??

Anyway, this week I made some pretty good progress!

Over the weekend I worked on my subtraction cutting project. It was a very interesting exprience, and I can't say that I didn't enjoy it. It was quite exciting and also scary that I was cutting holes in my fabric endnote knowing what I was going to get when I sewed them together! I finished that and was able to move on to my other projects during the week.

For my capstone, I patterned and sewed a skirt, a tank top, and a shirt!! It was a pretty good week for my capstone, you could say. AND! I only have to pattern and make one more garment and I will have them all! My plan is to start that coming into this week, and then I will take the rest of the semester to work on hems and other finishings!

For my Couture jacket project, I put the sleeve pieces together with the organza and got as far as I could before:

1. My dog chewed the plug off of my iron 

2. I ran out of trim and discovered the trim I used was only available online

But, now I got a new iron and more trim, so I should be on my way with those sleeves this coming weekend!!